how 2 sue uber in Denver Small Claims Court


How to sue Uber in Small Claims Court Denver
It will cost less than $250 ($55 Filing Fee, $75 to serve registered Agent, $75 mediator)
You will need a scanner/printer or a UPS Store can scan & email documents for less than $10
It will also require 3-4 trips to Littleton Co. & zoom installed on phone or notebook.


  1. Download & Print this partially filled out triplicate form:
    how2-sue-uber-denver.doc format
    how2-sue-uber-denver.pdf format
  2. Fill in your name, address, date, & sign…
    Included a hotel address in Englewood you can use if homeless to stay in jurisdiction. Address used for Uber is the registered agent currently on file. You can NOT use the San Francisco Address it must be in Arapahoe County.

Registered Agent Information

Agent Principal Address C T Corporation System
7700 E Arapahoe Rd Ste 220
Centennial CO 80112-1268
  1. Visit 1790 W. Littleton Blvd. Littleton, CO 80120 to file, you will need $55 or lots of paperwork to verify you can’t pay. Courts are backed up so the actual court date will be MONTHS later.4. Once filed you will need to scan documents given to you now stamped with court seal & trial date or visit a UPS store to have them do it.5. Set up a free to serve Ubers Registered Agent, Upload the scanned documents. This fee was around $75 C T Corporation System Address: 7700 E Arapahoe Rd. Ste 220 Centennial CO 80112
    Registered Agent # 20131630140
    It can take them up to 6 days but my experience it was done in 2 business days.6. Once sends you proof of service You need to print it out & return to 1790 W. Littleton Blvd. Littleton, CO 80120 & file it with court. This costs nothing.7. Once you file proof of service contact a mediator ASAP the court provides a few you can email.
    aburddick AT was prompt with her replies & easy to work with, she will provide zoom link for mediation usually within a couple of weeks for less than $70. You can choose any mediator you want but get this part done ASAP.


  1. My experience was Uber ignored the mediation & the mediator sent me paperwork to file a default judgement.
    that is the current situation with my case. If the judge agrees I will still have to collect. This is as far as I’ve gotten in the process. I did not or do no expect to win, you don’t sue billion dollar companies & win the goal is to make Uber spend additional money for their predatory/illegal tactics. The more drivers that do this might change something you don’t know if you don’t try. If you find this info helpful or valuable feel free to send me an Amazon or Tmobile egift card. My address was never verified & I did not need to provide an ID. I was able to not allow camera access on zoom so it was audio only mediation. You can change address or add reasons you’re suing. I included a local phone & fax # in documents, these are from the lawyer who finally reached out to me that represents uber, I did NOT have this number at first I only had & used he 1 800 # on my original filing and the mediator had no luck reaching someone with that number, you may want to black that lawyers info out as Uber purposefully makes it hard to contact them hence the no show, Including this number probably makes it more likely they show for the mediation. You do not have to agree to anything during mediation and take your evidence to court which will be months after mediation. The entire process took less than a month. It took 3 days to file everything, get a court date, & serve Uber. It took a few weeks to get a zoom mediation scheduled.9. I can complete steps up to contacting mediator for $300. Meaning provide me your name, address, phone number, & I will file the case, scan the documents, serve Ubers registered agent, file the proof of service, than forward the documents so you can contact mediator and finish the process. So your total cost will be less than $400. Otherwise the process will cost about $250 to do on your own. 2022guru AT gmail do com


UPDATE 10/17/2023

Ubers lawyers filed a motion to set aside default judgement in Mid Sept 2023 & was able to get a hearing date a few weeks later. 3 uber lawyers in high priced suits showed up. Judge ruled I did everything right but of course sided with Uber. Another mediation was set up and the judge forced Uber to pay for both sides of it as I already paid for the 1st. That mediation is set for 1st week of Nov 2023 and the court date was moved from end of Nov to end of Dec 2023.

Again I don’t plan on winning or collecing if I do as justice is only for the wealthy. Far as I’m concerned I already won, I spent less than $250, Uber has already spent thousands & the lawyer wasn’t even aware I was already reactivated in early Sept. 2023. The lawyer blatantly lied multiple times to the court which was easily proven & I did’nt expect anything less as Uber has lied to me everyday, multiple times per day for 8+ years. It is what is is as they say. 4900 rides 4500+ of them are airport rides that still pay a legal wage which is all labor is entitled to, every other request is fraud & an attemp to deFRAUD labor into working for free or illegal wages which is the definition of human/labor Trafficking. Which is just one of the violations listed that I’m suing for.

I included “lost wages, wrongfull termination, algorithmic discrimination, human/labor trafficking, fraud, negligence, defamation of character, 13th amendment violations, article 23 of human rights violations, labor law violations, RICO act violations”

Labor trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery in which individuals perform
labor or services through the use of force, fraud, or coercion.

Labor trafficking in the United States is a form of human trafficking
where victims are made to perform a task through force,
fraud or coercion as it occurs in the United States.

FRAUD = force per the definiion, Uber has been sued & lost for fraud thousands of times for billions in fines which is a pattern i.e. RICO act violations.


It would take states 5 minutes to regulate uber like the cabs they are with a minimum per ride, per mile, per minute rate that has been regulated for almost 100 years to insure drivers are paid a legal wage and can mainain a vehicle to ransport the public safely on roads. There is no other explanation then sates are complicit in human/labor trafficking as .60 per mile is now on billions of receipts for almost a decade. This can easily be verified as a regulated 1971 taxicab rate. It’s almost 2024 & Uber illegaly  offers it millions of times per day to labor knowing 1 or more is dumb or desperate enough to accept it. Uber went from an 80/20 split to taking 50-90% of fares. They now hide what riders pay and are not transparent in this.
& super pumped cliff notes

labor cant choose or agree to work for free or illegal wages

uber is exploiting mostly immigrants & seniors who make up 70+% of drivers
50,000 new drivers are hired every month to replace the 49,000 who fail by criminal design the previous month.

A bigger FRAUD than Enron + Madoff a literal ponzi using human labor instead of new investors to keep it going.

96% of drivers don’t last 1 year 80+% don’t get to 100 rides.


below is a copy & pase of documents needed


Small Claims Court   Arapahoe County, Colorado

Court Address:          1790 W. Littleton Blvd.
Littleton, CO 80120












Case Number:







Division               Courtroom




Address: 9650 E Geddes Ave.

City/State/Zip:   Englewood CO 80112

Phone:  Home                   Work ______________ Cell _______________


DEFENDANT(1): Uber Technologies, Inc. / Rasier, LLC

Address:  7700 E Arapahoe Rd

City/State/Zip:  San Francisco, CA 94158

Phone:  Work 1-800-593-7069  Denver attorney 303-362-2840 Fax 303-474-5983




Phone:  Home? Work ______________ Cell _______________



If Defendant(s) is/are other than a person, go on-line at to determine the registered agent for service of this notice. Please enter name and address of the agent.  Name: C T Corporation System
Address: 7700 E Arapahoe Rd. Ste 220 Centennial CO 80112   Registered Agent # 20131630140


  1. The Defendant(s) is/are in the military service: qYes qNo XUnknown
  2. The Defendant(s) reside(s), is/are regularly employed, has/have an office for the transaction of business, or is/are a student in this county, or real property located in this county is the subject of claim(s) arising from a restrictive covenant or security deposit dispute. XYes qNo
  3. I/We understand that it is my/our responsibility to have each Defendant served with the “Defendant’s Copy” of this Notice by a person whose age is 18 years or older and who is not a party to this action 15 days prior to the trial and to provide the Court with written proof of service. XYes qNo
  4. I am an attorney: qYes XNo


Notice and Summons to Appear for Trial

To the Defendant(s):

You are scheduled to have your trial in this case on ________________________ (date) at __________(time) at the Court address stated in the above caption. Bring with you all books, papers and witnesses you need to establish your defense.   If you do not appear, judgment may be entered against you.   If you wish to defend the claim or present a counterclaim, you must provide a written response or written counterclaim on or before the scheduled trial date and pay a nonrefundable filing fee.


 Dated: ____________________________                                          ______________________________________

Clerk of Court/Deputy Clerk

Plaintiff(s)’s Claim (Please summarize reasons to support your claim below.)

The Defendant(s) owe(s) me $7500.00, which includes penalties, plus interest and costs allowed by law, and/or should be ordered to return property, perform a contract or set aside a contract or comply with a restrictive covenant for the following reasons.  (If seeking return of property, please describe the property being requested).

Wrongful termination, Lost Wages, Negligence, Fraud, Defamation Of Character, Wage Theft,
Human/Labor Trafficking

Note: The combined value of money, property, specific performance or cost to remedy a covenant violation cannot exceed $7,500.00.

I/we declare under penalty of perjury under the law of Colorado that the foregoing is true and correct. I/we have not filed in any Small Claims Court in this County more than 2 claims during this calendar month, nor more than 18 claims in this County this calendar year.



Dated: _______________________                        _____ ________

Plaintiff’s Signature

____ _________

Plaintiff’s Signature


Small Claims Court   Arapahoe County, Colorado

Court Address:          1790 W. Littleton Blvd.
Littleton, CO 80120




Address: 9650 E Geddes Ave.

City/State/Zip:   Englewood CO 80112

Phone:  Home                   Work ______________ Cell _______________


DEFENDANT(1): Uber Technologies, Inc. / Rasier, LLC

Address:  7700 E Arapahoe Rd

City/State/Zip:  San Francisco, CA 94158

Phone:  Work 1-800-593-7069  Denver attorney 303-362-2840 Fax 303-474-5983




Phone:  Home? Work ______________ Cell _______________












Case Number:







Division               Courtroom



If Defendant(s) is/are other than a person, go on-line at to determine the registered agent for service of this notice. Please enter name and address of the agent.  Name: C T Corporation System
Address: 7700 E Arapahoe Rd. Ste 220 Centennial CO 80112   Registered Agent # 20131630140


  1. The Defendant(s) is/are in the military service: qYes qNo XUnknown
  2. The Defendant(s) reside(s), is/are regularly employed, has/have an office for the transaction of business, or is/are a student in this county, or real property located in this county is the subject of claim(s) arising from a restrictive covenant or security deposit dispute. XYes qNo
  3. I/We understand that it is my/our responsibility to have each Defendant served with the “Defendant’s Copy” of this Notice by a person whose age is 18 years or older and who is not a party to this action 15 days prior to the trial and to provide the Court with written proof of service. XYes qNo
  4. I am an attorney: qYes XNo


Notice and Summons to Appear for Trial

To the Defendant(s):

You are scheduled to have your trial in this case on _________________________ (date) at__________ (time) at the Court address stated in the above caption. Bring with you all books, papers and witnesses you need to establish your defense.   If you do not appear, judgment may be entered against you.   If you wish to defend the claim or present a counterclaim, you must provide a written response or written counterclaim on or before the scheduled trial date and pay a nonrefundable filing fee.


 Dated: ____________________________                                          ______________________________________

Clerk of Court/Deputy Clerk

Plaintiff(s)’s Claim (Please summarize reasons to support your claim below.)

The Defendant(s) owe(s) me $7500.00, which includes penalties, plus interest and costs allowed by law, and/or should be ordered to return property, perform a contract or set aside a contract or comply with a restrictive covenant for the following reasons.  (If seeking return of property, please describe the property being requested).


Wrongful termination, Lost Wages, Negligence, Fraud, Defamation Of Character, Wage Theft,
Human/Labor Trafficking

Note:  The combined value of money, property, specific performance or cost to remedy a covenant violation cannot exceed $7,500.00.

I/we declare under penalty of perjury under the law of Colorado that the foregoing is true and correct. I/we have not filed in any Small Claims Court in this County more than 2 claims during this calendar month, nor more than 18 claims in this County in this calendar year.


Dated: ____________________________________________                 ___________________________________________

Plaintiff’s Signature


Plaintiff’s Signature


You must complete and fill out a response and or counterclaim on reverse side of Defendant’s copy and bring to Court.

Defendant’s Response (If responding, pay the appropriate filing fee).  I do not owe the Plaintiff(s) or am not responsible to the Plaintiff(s) because:




Defendant’s Counterclaim (If submitting a counterclaim, pay the appropriate filing fee).

The Plaintiff(s) owe(s) me $_______________, which includes penalties, plus interest and costs allowed by law and/or should be ordered to return property, perform a contract or set aside a contract or comply with a restrictive covenant for the following reasons.  (If seeking return of property, please describe the property being requested).



q The amount of my/our counterclaim does not exceed the jurisdictional amount of the Small Claims Court of $7,500.00.

q The amount of my/our counterclaim exceeds the jurisdictional amount of the Small Claims Court, but I/we wish to limit the

amount that I/we wish to recover from the Plaintiff to $7,500.00.

q The amount of my/our counterclaim exceeds the jurisdictional amount of the Small Claims Court, and I/we wish to have the

case sent to qCounty Court (only if I/we wish to limit the amount I/we can recover from the plaintiff to $25,000.00)  qDistrict Court (I /we do not wish to limit the amount I/we can recover from the Plaintiff(s)) and will pay the appropriate filing fee.  I/we am/are filing a Notice of Removal and paying the appropriate filing fee to the Court at this time.

I am an attorney.        qYes qNo  

I declare under penalty of perjury that this information is true and correct and that I mailed a copy of the Response/Counterclaim to the Plaintiff(s) at the address(es) stated on this form on ____________________ (date).



Defendant’s Address

_____________________________________                                 ____________________________________________________________

Defendant’s Signature                           Date                                Telephone #:   Home                         Work                        Cell

Information for Defendants in Small Claims Cases

A.    Filing Fees.

Response without a counterclaim:

  • Claim $500.00 or less: $26.00               t Claim over $500.00 but less than $7,500.00: $41.00

        Response with a counterclaim:

¨       If Plaintiff’s claim is $500.00 or less and counterclaim is $500.00 or less:                                                             $31.00

¨       If Plaintiff’s claim is more than $500.00 or counterclaim is more than $500.00:                                                     $46.00

B.    Response. You have been served with a Summons. If you fail to appear on the trial date shown on this notice, judgment may be entered against you. If you wish to defend the claim or present a counterclaim, you must file with the Court Clerk a written response or counterclaim on or before the scheduled trial date, provide a copy to the Plaintiff(s), pay the appropriate nonrefundable filing fee, and appear on the date set for trial in this notice with all evidence and witnesses needed to establish your defense.

C.    Subpoenas.   Upon your request, the clerk will issue a subpoena to require witnesses to appear or bring documents for your trial. It is your responsibility to complete the information needed on the subpoena and to have the subpoena served.  Subpoenas must be served personally and may be served by a person over the age of 18 that is not a party to the case.  Subpoenas must be accompanied by a check for payment of witness fees and mileage for any witnesses served.

D.      Counterclaim.  If you have a claim against the Plaintiff(s), you must file with the Court clerk the Defendant’s counterclaim at the top of this form, provide a copy of the counterclaim to the Plaintiff(s) prior to the trial, and pay the appropriate nonrefundable filing fee. If you settle your counterclaim before trial, notify the Small Claims Court and the Plaintiff(s) in writing. If you want your case heard by a Court of greater jurisdiction, you must complete and file this form, pay the appropriate filing fee (County: Under $999.99 = $85.00; $1,000 – $14,999.99= $105.00; $15,000.00 – $25,000 = $135.00. District: $235.00) and file a Notice of Removal (JDF 251) at least 7 days before the trial date shown on this Notice.

E.    Trial Responsibility.   You have a right to a trial.  Bring all evidence necessary to establish your defense and/or counterclaim: books, papers, repair bills, photographs or other exhibits.  If the suit involves the delivery of personal property, be prepared to deliver the property immediately after trial.  Be on time.  If you are late, the Court may enter judgment against you.

F.     Appeal.  If you wish to appeal, you must file your notice of appeal within 14 days of the judgment and proceed according to C.R.C.P 411.

G.    Judgment.  The Court does not collect any judgment, but will help with the necessary forms.

Money Judgment.  If judgment is entered against you, you are expected to immediately pay the judgment, including filing fees and court costs.  If the judgment is not paid immediately, you must answer questions about your assets and income and the other party can obtain a writ of garnishment or execution against your wages or property.  Once the judgment is paid, you are entitled to have the judgment satisfied. Non-monetary Judgment.  If the Court orders immediate possession of the property, performance of a contract, setting aside of a contract or compliance with a restrictive covenant, your failure to comply with the Court order may result in an award of damages and/or being held in contempt.

H.    Case Inquiries.  When inquiring about this case, refer to the case number on this notice.  Direct all inquiries to the clerk, not the judge or magistrate.

I.      Attorney.  If you want to be represented by an attorney, you or your attorney must file a Notice of Representation of Attorney (JDF 256) at least 7 days before the trial date on this notice.  Then the Plaintiff(s) may have representation by an attorney.  If the Plaintiff(s) is/are an attorney, you also may be represented by an attorney without filing a notice of representation.  Even if there are attorneys in the case, the rules and procedures of the Small Claims Court will still apply.

J.     Judicial Officer.  A magistrate or a judge may hear your case.  If you want a judge to hear your case, you must file an Objection to a Magistrate Hearing Case (JDF 259) at least 7 days before the trial date set in this notice. The rules and procedures of the Small Claims Court will still apply.

  1. Language Interpreter.  If you or a witness requires a language interpreter to be present for hearings, you must contact the Managing Interpreter corresponding to the district in which the case will be heard at least 7 days before the trial date is set on this notice.  A language interpreter may only interpret what is said between parties during a hearing and immediately prior to or after the hearing. A language interpreter may not provide legal advice or any other service that is not related to interpreting. Interpreters may not provide any services that may constitute a violation of the language interpreter’s Code of Professional Responsibility. A current list of Managing Interpreters can be viewed at


Small Claims Court   Arapahoe County, Colorado

Court Address:          1790 W. Littleton Blvd.
Littleton, CO 80120




Address: 9650 E Geddes Ave.

City/State/Zip:   Englewood CO 80112

Phone:  Home                   Work ______________ Cell _______________


DEFENDANT(1): Uber Technologies, Inc. / Rasier, LLC

Address:  7700 E Arapahoe Rd

City/State/Zip:  San Francisco, CA 94158

Phone:  Work 1-800-593-7069  Denver attorney 303-362-2840 Fax 303-474-5983




Phone:  Home? Work ______________ Cell _______________












Case Number:







Division               Courtroom



If Defendant(s) is/are other than a person, go on-line at to determine the registered agent for service of this notice. Please enter name and address of the agent.  Name: C T Corporation System
Address: 7700 E Arapahoe Rd. Ste 220 Centennial CO 80112   Registered Agent # 20131630140


  1. The Defendant(s) is/are in the military service: qYes qNo XUnknown
  2. The Defendant(s) reside(s), is/are regularly employed, has/have an office for the transaction of business, or is/are a student in this county, or real property located in this county is the subject of claim(s) arising from a restrictive covenant or security deposit dispute.XYes qNo
  3. I/We understand that it is my/our responsibility to have each Defendant served with the “Defendant’s Copy” of this Notice by a person whose age is 18 years or older and who is not a party to this action 15 days prior to the trial and to provide the Court with written proof of service. XYes qNo
  4. I am an attorney: qYes XNo


Notice and Summons to Appear for Trial

To the Defendant(s):

You are scheduled to have your trial in this case on (date) ___________________________ (time) __________ at the Court address stated in the above caption. Bring with you all books, papers and witnesses you need to establish your defense.   If you do not appear, judgment may be entered against you.   If you wish to defend the claim or present a counterclaim, you must provide a written response or written counterclaim on or before the scheduled trial date and pay a nonrefundable filing fee.


 Dated: ____________________________                                          ______________________________________

Clerk of Court/Deputy Clerk

Plaintiff(s)’s Claim (Please summarize reasons to support your claim below.)

The Defendant(s) owe(s) me $7500.00, which includes penalties, plus interest and costs allowed by law, and/or should be ordered to return property, perform a contract or set aside a contract or comply with a restrictive covenant for the following reasons.  (If seeking return of property, please describe the property being requested).


Wrongful termination, Lost Wages, Negligence, Fraud, Defamation Of Character, Wage Theft,
Human/Labor Trafficking

Note:  The combined value of money, property, specific performance or cost to remedy a covenant violation cannot exceed $7,500.00.


I/we declare under penalty of perjury under the law of Colorado that the foregoing is true and correct. I/we have not filed in any Small Claims Court in this County more than 2 claims during this calendar month, nor more than 18 claims in this County in this calendar year.


Dated: ____________________________________________                 ___________________________________________

Plaintiff’s Signature


Plaintiff’s Signature





  1.   You may file your claim in this Court if:
  2. Your claim is for money, property, specific performance or rescission of a contract, or enforcement of a restrictive covenant that does not exceed $7,500.00. You may reduce a larger claim and waive the balance.  You cannot divide a claim and file two separate cases.
  3. At least one of the parties you sue resides, is regularly employed, has an office for the transaction of business, or is a student in this county, or they own rental property in the county that is the subject of this claim.
  4. You pay the clerk one of the following NONREFUNDABLE filing fees.
  • Claim $500.00 or less:                               $31.00                  
  • Claim over $500.00 but less than $7,500.00: $55.00


  1. This notice to appear must be served at least 15 days prior to the trial on each Defendant.  It may be served by:       
  2. Any person whose age is 18 years or older and who is not a party to this action.
  3. Sheriff or process server.
  4. Certified Mail that is mailed by the clerk. You must deposit the cost for certified mail in advance.


  1. If you settle your claim before trial, you must notify the Small Claims Court and Defendant in writing.


  1. SUBPOENAS. Upon your request, the clerk will issue a subpoena to require witnesses to appear or bring documents for your trial. It is your responsibility to complete the information needed on the subpoena and to have the subpoena served.  Subpoenas must be served personally and may be served by a person over the age of 18 that is not a party to the case.  Subpoenas must be accompanied by a check for payment of witness fees and mileage for any witnesses served.


  1. TRIAL RESPONSIBILITY. You have a right to a trial.  Bring all evidence necessary to prove your case:  books, papers, repair bills, photographs or other exhibits.  Be on time.  If you are late or do not appear, the Court may enter judgment in favor of the Defendant and against you if the Defendant filed a counterclaim.  

  1. APPEAL. If you wish to appeal, you must file your notice of appeal within 14 days of the judgment and proceed according to C.R.C.P. 411.


  1. THE COURT DOES NOT COLLECT ANY JUDGMENT, but will help with the necessary forms.

Money Judgment. If judgment is entered in favor of the Defendant and against you, you are expected to immediately pay the judgment, including filing fees and court costs.  If the judgment is not paid immediately, you must answer questions about your assets and income and the other party can obtain a writ of garnishment or execution against your wages or property.  Once the judgment is paid, you are entitled to have the judgment satisfied.

Non-monetary Judgment.  If the Court orders immediate possession of the property, performance of a contract, setting aside of a contract or compliance with a restrictive covenant, failure to comply with the Court order may result in an award of damages and or being held in contempt.


  1. CASE INQUIRIES. When inquiring about this case, refer to the case number on the other side of this document.  Direct all inquiries to the clerk, not the judge or magistrate. 


  1. ATTORNEY. If the Defendant(s) want(s) to be represented by an attorney, the Defendant(s) or attorney must file a Notice of Representation of Attorney (JDF 256) at least 7 days before the trial date on this notice.  Then, you may have representation by an attorney.  If either party is an attorney, the other party may be represented by an attorney without filing a notice of representation.  Even if there are attorneys in the case, the rules and procedures of the Small Claims Court will still apply.


  1. JUDICIAL OFFICER. A magistrate or judge may hear your case.  If you want a judge to hear your case, you must file an Objection to a Magistrate Hearing Case (JDF 259) at least 7 days before the trial date set in this notice. The rules and procedures of the Small Claims Court will still apply.


  1. Language Interpreter.  If you or a witness requires a language interpreter to be present for hearings, you must contact the   Managing Interpreter corresponding to the district in which the case will be heard at least 7 days before the trial date is set on this notice.  A language interpreter may only interpret what is said between parties during a hearing and immediately prior to or after the hearing. A language interpreter may not provide legal advice or any other service that is not related to interpreting. Interpreters may not provide any services that may constitute a violation of the language interpreter’s Code of Professional Responsibility. A current list of Managing Interpreters can be viewed at:




Small Claims Court   Arapahoe County, Colorado

Court Address:          1790 W. Littleton Blvd.
Littleton, CO 80120




Address: 9650 E Geddes Ave.

City/State/Zip:   Englewood CO 80112

Phone:  Home                   Work ______________ Cell _______________


DEFENDANT(1): Uber Technologies, Inc. / Rasier, LLC

Address:  7700 E Arapahoe Rd

City/State/Zip:  San Francisco, CA 94158

Phone:  Work 1-800-593-7069  Denver attorney 303-362-2840 Fax 303-474-5983




Phone:  Home? Work ______________ Cell _______________












Case Number:







Division               Courtroom



If Defendant(s) is/are other than a person, go on-line at to determine the registered agent for service of this notice. Please enter name and address of the agent.  Name: C T Corporation System
Address: 7700 E Arapahoe Rd. Ste 220 Centennial CO 80112   Registered Agent # 20131630140


  1. The Defendant(s) is/are in the military service: qYes qNo XUnknown
  2. The Defendant(s) reside(s), is/are regularly employed, has/have an office for the transaction of business, or is/are a student in this county, or real property located in this county is the subject of claim(s) arising from a restrictive covenant or security deposit dispute. XYes qNo
  3. I/We understand that it is my/our responsibility to have each Defendant served with the “Defendant’s Copy” of this Notice by a person whose age is 18 years or older and who is not a party to this action 15 days prior to the trial and to provide the Court with written proof of service. XYes qNo
  4. I am an attorney: qYes XNo


Notice and Summons to Appear for Trial

To the Defendant(s):

You are scheduled to have your trial in this case on (date) ___________________________ (time) __________ at the Court address stated in the above caption. Bring with you all books, papers and witnesses you need to establish your defense.   If you do not appear, judgment may be entered against you.   If you wish to defend the claim or present a counterclaim, you must provide a written response or written counterclaim on or before the scheduled trial date and pay a nonrefundable filing fee.


 Dated: ____________________________                                          ______________________________________

Clerk of Court/Deputy Clerk

Plaintiff(s)’s Claim (Please summarize reasons to support your claim below.)

The Defendant(s) owe(s) me $7500.00, which includes penalties, plus interest and costs allowed by law, and/or should be ordered to return property, perform a contract or set aside a contract or comply with a restrictive covenant for the following reasons.  (If seeking return of property, please describe the property being requested).


Wrongful termination, Lost Wages, Negligence, Fraud, Defamation Of Character, Wage Theft,
Human/Labor Trafficking

Note:  The combined value of money, property, specific performance or cost to remedy a covenant violation cannot exceed $7,500.00


I/we declare under penalty of perjury under the law of Colorado that the foregoing is true and correct. I/we have not filed in any Small Claims Court in this County more than 2 claims during this calendar month, nor more than 18 claims in this County in this calendar year.


Dated: ____________________________________________                 ___________________________________________

Plaintiff’s Signature


Plaintiff’s Signature


Case Name   _____________________ v. ______________________                                    Case Number:  _______________


(Must be returned to Court)

I swear/affirm under oath that I am 18 years or older and not a party to the action, and that I served the Notice, Claim, and Summons to Appear for Trial (JDF 250) on the following:


Name of Person Served                                  Date and Time of Service                               Address of Service

                                                                                                                                                      (Street, County, City, State)               







Check type of Service:

  • By handing the documents to a person identified to me as the Defendant.
  • By identifying the documents, offering to deliver them to a person identified to me as the Defendant who refused service, and then leaving the documents in a conspicuous place.
  • By leaving the documents at the Defendant’s usual place of abode with ______________________ (Name of Person) who is a member of the Defendant’s family and whose age is 18 years or older. (Identify family relationship) ___________________________.)
  • By leaving the documents at the Defendant’s usual workplace with __________________________ (Name of Person) who is the Defendant’s secretary, administrative assistant, bookkeeper, or managing agent. (Circle title of person served.)
  • By leaving the documents with _____________________ (Name of Person), who as _______________ (title) is authorized by appointment or by law to receive service of process for the Defendant.
  • By leaving the documents with an officer, partner, manager, stockholder, elected official or functional equivalent pursuant to R.C.P. 304 _______________________ (please identify) of the corporation or non-corporate entity which was to be served. (Circle title of person who was served.)
  • By serving the documents as follows (other service under C.R.C.P. 304:_____________________________



I have charged the following fees for my services in this matter:


q Private process server

q Sheriff, ____________________________County                                                                                     Fee $ ______________       Mileage $ _____________                 ___________________________________________                                                                                                                                                                                Signature of Process Server


___________________________________________                                                                                                                                  Name (Print or type)



Subscribed and affirmed, or sworn to before me in the County of ______________________, State of ________________, this _______ day of _______________, 20 ______.


My Commission Expires: ________________________                              ____________________________________________                                                                                                           Notary Public




(To be performed by Clerk within three days of filing)


I hereby certify that on __________________________(date), I mailed a true and correct copy of the NOTICE, CLAIM, AND SUMMONS TO APPEAR FOR TRIAL, by placing it in the United States Mail, postage pre-paid to the Defendant(s) at the address(es) listed above.



Clerk of Court/Deputy Clerk


q (If applicable) Plaintiff(s) notified of non-service on (date) ______________________. Clerk’s Initials _______________