how 2 sue uber in Denver Small Claims Court how2-sue-uber-denver How to sue Uber in Small Claims Court Denver It will cost less than $250 ($55 Filing Fee, $75 to serve registered Agent, $75 mediator) You will need a scanner/printer or a UPS Store can scan & email documents for less than $10 It will also require 3-4 trips to Littleton Co. &… Continue reading how 2 sue uber in Denver Small Claims Court

Uber Lyft take 50-90% of surges

Uber lyft charge $100 extra for the ride? Labor/driver only got $9 of it if that. Uber Lyft started hiding what riders pay to try and conceal such blatant wage theft

$2 after the tip

To deliver you or a taco in real time 1-10 miles, what would the post office charge? Most deliveries pay $3-8 GROSS for 40+ minutes of work 1970s wages in 2016-2021